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Uploading manpages-de 0.1-2

Good night folks,

  I'll upload another release of manpages-de, the result of the german
  manpages project.  This is an actual snapshot from the development
  tree at ftp.infodrom.north.de.  These manpages should occur in the
  1.1 release of Debian.

-- Begin Changes --

Date: 16 Jun 96 00:55:52 UT
Format: 1.5
Distribution: unstable
Binary: manpages-de
Source: manpages-de
Architecture: source all
Version: 0.1-2
Maintainer: Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org>
Description: German section 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 manpages for Linux
Priority: Routine
 708ed63630646ebfd0f3fd70a1c9d376 226665 doc - manpages-de-0.1-2.tar.gz
 edafa0eacf03dfb930e9b9382392bf23 140180 doc - manpages-de-0.1-2.diff.gz
 41cb8062ec954e26b4f19e1f48a83051 224472 doc - manpages-de-0.1-2.all.deb
 Many, this is an actual snapshot.

-- End Changes --

  There is still much work that has to be done within this project.
  If you would like to collaborate translating, proofreading or simply
  helping the creation of a german native language for linux-unix
  terms please join our effort.

  There is a mailing list manpages-de@infodrom.north.de.  I would be
  glad if there would be some other people who do some translation.

Have a pleasant remainder of the weekend,


PS: As usual first in ftp.infodrom.north.de in /pub/people/joey/debian/

  / Martin Schulze  *  Debian Linux Maintainer  *  joey@debian.org /
 / http://www.debian.org/       http://www.infodrom.north.de/~joey/
/  Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for!  /

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