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Re: The PCMCIA and kernel packages

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@pilgrim.umass.edu> writes:

    Manoj>  Workaround? put the kernel version in the module name. So,
    Manoj> we have pcmcia-cs-2.0.0_3.1.2-0_i386.deb, no confusion
    Manoj> about which kernel it belongs to, and the preinstall
    Manoj> scripts warn if the running kernel is not the correct one.

    Manoj> # only generate module image packages
    Manoj> modules_image:
    Manoj>         for $$module in $(MODULE_LOC)/* ; do \
    Manoj>             (cd $$module; \
    Manoj>               ./debian.rules KVERS=$(version) KSRC=$(SRCTOP) \
    Manoj>               kdist_image; ) \
    Manoj>         done
    Manoj> # generate the modules package and sign them with dchanges
    Manoj> modules:
    Manoj>         for $$module in $(MODULE_LOC)/* ; do \
    Manoj>             (cd $$module; \
    Manoj>               ./debian.rules KVERS=$(version) KSRC=$(SRCTOP) \
    Manoj>               kdist; ) \
    Manoj>         done

This is good; things are much clearer now.  So dchanges should be run
with the -n (no edit) option and perhaps a cs="New kernel version
$(KVERS)." override?

Brian Mays <brian@debian.org>

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