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Re: Binary-only packages

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.91.960523195823.1576F-100000@thevoid.ntplx.net> Doug Geiger <runexe@ntplx.net> writes:

> I have a binary-only package - abuse (compiled a.out for the i386 - I'm 
> going to ask the guys at crack.com if they make an elf version). What am 
> I supposed to do for the source package? Do I make one? Should I just tgz 
> the directory w/the binaries/docs/controls/etc.?

(The packaging guidelines don't say anything about this.)

When you are not allowed to distribute the binary version the decision
is quite easy (as for the netscape package): The source package onyl
contains the debian.* files, as does the binary package. The original
binary archive has to be available at installation time.

If we are allowed to distribute the binaries they still don't add much
value because they are distributed in the binary package too.

I'd suggest to require the `debian.rules binary' to create the tree
below debian-tmp from the original binary archive. So one has to have
this archive somewhere, but the README file already states where to
fetch it.

Whether this original archive should be distributed as part of Debian:
I'm not shure about this. Some licenses may require the unmodified
archive to be available, but in this case I'd prefer to see the whole
package implemented as in the netscape case.

Sven Rudolph <sr1@inf.tu-dresden.de> ; WWW : http://www.sax.de/~sr1/

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