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Bug#3142: 1.1 installation and large partitions

Package: (rootdisk)

1. When trying to make an e2fs partition of 3987 Mb from the installation
   menu, I get the following error:

    writing inode tables: 256/497
    can't resolve symbol 'llseek'

   When using a blocksize of 4096 (invoked from the shell prompt on vty2),
   I get the message:

    writing inode tables: 64/125
    can't resolve symbol 'llseek'

   Seems like something special happens in mke2fs at the 2Gb boundary.

   Creating 2 filesystems of 1.9 Gb each on the other hand succeeds without
   any problems.

   I'm using the boot/root/base disks in the 1996_5_21 directory.

2. Perhaps the installation procedure should check that the root
   partition is < 1024 Mb, and warn that the lilo boot block
   installation will fail if not so.

Patrick Weemeeuw, network manager
K.U.Leuven, KULeuvenNet, currently at the Dept. of Computer Science
	Celestijnenlaan 200 A, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32 16 327635 Fax: +32 16 327996
E-mail: patrick.weemeeuw@kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be
PGP key: ftp://ftp.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/people/patrick/pgpkey.asc

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