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non-maintainer version of diald-0.14


	I have debianized diald-0.14, and it is working for me, In
 fact, I'm using it as I speak. No more cpu hog. I seem to remember
 the package maintainer (Giuseppe Vacanti
 <Giuseppe.Vacanti@DeSelby.xs4all.nl>) saying that he would be very
 busy in the near future, so maybe this version should be released.

	 However, this is my first attempt at something like diald,
 and I'd like to have it tested by the developers before unleashing on
 the unwary masses. Is there a set procedure for this?

	I have uploaded the file to my account on master.debian.org,
 (/home/Debian/srivasta/), and they should be visible to the
 developers from thier accounts, at least. I could move the files to
 Incoming, and the archive maintainer-of-the-day could move it into
 experimental or HOLD till it is tried by some more people.

	I'd appreciate it if people who try this package report bugs
 to me, till it is released to the general public.


ps. I'll move it into Incoming tomorrow, unless there are objections,
along with a request to leave it on HOLD for the next few days. ms.
"jackpot: you may have an unnecessary change record" -- message from
"diff" %%
Manoj Srivastava               Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918                A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249         University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
<srivasta@pilgrim.umass.edu> <URL:http://www.pilgrim.umass.edu/%7Esrivasta/>

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