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Re: MIME support

> > I'm thinking of adding a script similar to "install-info" that will allow
> > new packages to add details about themselves to the "mailcap" file.  Thus,
> > the 'xv' package could install itself as a viewer for ".gif", ".jpg", and
> > other files.
> This should be optional at install time. Even better, the script can parse
> the mailcap file and ask you if you want to replace one viewer or editor with
> another. Otherwise, two image viewers, such as xv and xloadimage would have
> to conflict, and I don't think we want that.

I was thinking the same thing.  The first release of the package won't have
that script (since I haven't finished writing it, yet).  It might be better
to include it in the system base so it can be called even if the MIME support
package isn't installed.

> By the way, this is the only entry that I needed to add to my mime.types:
> # Here are some of my own:
> x-world/x-vrml                 vrm vrml wrl

I'm not familiar with the "x-world" hierarchy.  Is there anything else that
falls under that?

> I think we'll be safe treating mime.types as a traditional configuration
> file. On the other hand, configuration files that are simply lists should
> have an option like: "Do you want to merge your version and the package
> maintainer's version of this file?" I often find myself doing that by hand.

Right.  In order for "mailcap" to mean anything at all, the "mime.types" has
to be consistant across all document servers.

                               ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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