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Re: More FTP site arch stuff

In message <[🔎] m0tkarL-0002c3C@chiark.chu.cam.ac.uk>, Ian Jackson writes:
>I propose to add a link
>  binary-i386 -> binary
>to the stable, non-free and contrib trees on the FTP site.
>This is so that the same code in dselect, mkpackages, dftp,
>mkcontents, &c can be used to process all the trees, and so that the
>same documentation for users can describe them.

If you mean that binary will no longer be a directory, instead
becoming a symlink pointing to binary-i386, I think this is one of
those moves that _will_ cause mirror to fall over.

Why, also, is it so hard to clearly & concisely express symbolic links
in English?

>PS: Sorry about the large number of these silly little messages.

Better than looming silences.

"I never worry, why should I.  It's all gonna fade."

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