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> Since the scripts when invoked as `start' should do nothing when
> the service is already running, runlevel changes should not disturb
> unaffected services.

Many existing rc scripts will start additional copies of the same
daemon when you change from one level to another. To get the behavior
you describe, every script would have to use start-stop-daemon or something
to carefully check that a daemon isn't already running before attempting
to start it. This is a complication that we should not have to require
of each individual init script.

> There may be good reasons for wanting to shut down and restart a
> service on a runlevel change - perhaps another service needs to be
> running first for it to find it, for example.

The behavior I was going after was something a bit closer to the way
/etc/inittab works for a service that exists in more than one runlevel.


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