Re: URGENTE: recuperando los ficheros del /etc/init.d/
> * Jaime Robles [Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:40:11 +0200]:
>> He tenido un problema _gordo_ con un script y me he cargado TODOS los
>> ficheros del "/etc/init.d" de un plumazo.
> ^^^^
>> apt-get --reinstall install
> ^^^^^^^^^
> That should be enough for a DD to realize their mistake. If it's not,
> you can alwasy re-do NM in your free time.
Never made a (stupid) mistake when "sysadministering"??
Yes, maybe I could re-do my NM, but not in my free time... I don't have
much! ;-)
Anyway... esta lista... ¿No es en español?
No flames please...
Un saludo,
Jaime Robles, EA4TV
Visita: - La Red Libre de todos!
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