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[Request for packaging] rinutils - a C library of headers used by Shlomi Fish's C projects (but may be of some limited general interest)

Hi all!

My https://github.com/shlomif/rinutils/ C headers-only library is required by
fortune-mod ( https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod ), some of the new
releases of freecell-solver (
https://packages.debian.org/en/sid/freecell-solver-bin ), black-hole-solver (
https://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/projects/black-hole-solitaire-solver/ )
and possibly other projects of mine. I'm seeking someone to package it for
debian and maintain a debian package.

There is a fedora package for reference and rinutils uses a cmake-based
procedure for installation: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/rinutils .

For the new fortune-mod debian package, I used the transitional approach of
creating this patch that bundles the directory:


However, the maintainer of the freecell-solver debian package had  this to say:

> Yes, you can adapt the approach I took with this patch to the fortune-mod
> debian package:
> https://salsa.debian.org/shlomif-guest/fortune-mod/-/blob/656459d5beffcdb9bcbba4f1dabb2f59c0a0b7f9/debian/patches/add-rinutils.diff
> what i did there was umpack the tarball into the source dir, delete some
> unneeded fluff. and patch cmakelists.txt to use the right path as an
> include dir (rinutils is header only).

Sorry, I'm not comfortable in maintaining such a big difference for a
debian specific version of freecell-solver.  It's too much of a
complication and future maintenance burden.

Please ping me once you have a package in debian sid, or when you are
ready to release a source build of freecell-solver that works without
this library.


I wish to keep it as a separate package to comply with the fedora policy and
avoid duplicate code. So I'm seeking a debian developer to maintain it.

Note that it is FOSS under the MITL.


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