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Re: homepage(s) for game-data-packager

2015-09-04 15:34 GMT+02:00 Markus Koschany <apo@gambaru.de>:
> ... And then a link to the wiki page and vice versa?

I took care that everything now online is linked together.

For the "contact".. I don't know,
isn't the BTS or reportbug enough ?

I don't feel like stating "just mail g-d-p@packages.deb..."
and turn this in a spam honeypot.

>>> Why are there multiple doom or quake engines?
>>> How can I successfully play the games?
>>> Are there any walkthrough guides?
>>> Are there any alternatives?
>>> Is it possible to create data for those games?
>>> How can it be done?
>>> How can I contact the developers? etc. pp.
>> Wow, that'd be awesome; but I have no idea who will provide that.
>> Would be adding an "mobygames id" in G-D-P game definition
>> used to build an URL to this site OK for a start ?
>> Or a link to wikipedia ? What could be considered to be
>> a usefull reference ?
>> Doing the same for games already documented on Debian wiki ?
>> https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Doom
> Adding more yaml metadata to g-d-p to tackle those questions would be a
> good idea. In most cases I would prefer links to wikipedia and to Debian's
> own wiki where interested users could add additional information about the game.
> That would also simplify the maintenance work a little. The links would appear
> on the homepage and people could easily edit wiki pages if they wanted
> to contribute new information to a game.
> Cheers,
> Markus

I've now added a new franchise: tag to loosely link together games from the same
franchise;like original Zork & Zork Grand Inquisitor that doesn't use the same
engine at all. This will be used to help navigate in the list.


Go for wikipedia, but I'll keep in mind that wp is localized
& not equally.

This is only available in Czech for example:

I'll note down the best version (most time the english one)
in the yaml files and write some utility to find the url for
translated versions;
as linked in wikimedia toolbox (hopefully not downloading the whole dataset)

-> https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_(s%C3%A9rie)
-> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_(Computerspiel)

This lookup table would then be updated semi-automatically
before release.


I'll also lookup the engine upstream url from it's package
d/control file; as it's shown on the PTS.


Alexandre Detiste

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