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Re: homepage(s) for game-data-packager

Le mercredi 2 septembre 2015, 21:26:13 Markus Koschany a écrit :
> Am 02.09.2015 um 11:02 schrieb Alexandre Detiste:
> >> Le mardi 1 septembre 2015, 22:50:57 Markus Koschany a écrit :
> [...]
> >> I think it is more interesting to write documentation, articles and
> >> guides about the bigger picture.
> > 
> > Yes... but I've read this [2], and I think the "Apparently we haven't found this consensus yet." is still valid;
> > for me a free engine without free-data is useless in main & should go to contrib
> > (that includes residualvm, maybe rbdoom3bfg...)
> > 
> > [2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-games/2014/02/msg00086.html
> > 
> > If we can at least come up with a basic description of the situation
> > that includes what is considered common knoweledge on d-d-games
> > and everyone agrees on that'll be a good start !


I now wished I could have discussed this at DebConf face-to-face;
this would had been so much easier.

> I think there is a misunderstanding here. I was simply stating that if you
> intend to create a homepage for g-d-p,

The wiki page _is_ the homepage; do we ever need something fancier
for now ? (appart for one or two gamelists)

> you have basically two choices.

> To concentrate on the tool itself and to promote it by writing good
> documentation. 

The tool can also promote itself by a network effect;
I'll be advised in some readme.Debian then user will
realise it supports also other games.

> Or you can expand the homepage by writing about "why do
> we need g-d-p in the first place? 

There is already this piece of information; but it's in quite obscure location:

I'd need to copy some bits of this into the wiki page &
other randoms pros & cons discussed in emails.

> Why are there multiple doom or quake engines?
> How can I successfully play the games?
> Are there any walkthrough guides?
> Are there any alternatives?
> Is it possible to create data for those games?
> How can it be done?
> How can I contact the developers? etc. pp.
Wow, that'd be awesome; but I have no idea who will provide that.

Would be adding an "mobygames id" in G-D-P game definition
used to build an URL to this site OK for a start ?

Or a link to wikipedia ? What could be considered to be
a usefull reference ?

Doing the same for games already documented on Debian wiki ?

> This has absolutely nothing to do with the main vs. contrib discussion one
> year ago. It was just a general idea how one can improve the page rank of every
> homepage related to this topic.

To improve pageranks, we can just wait for the two next Ubuntu
releases to see some blog post or wikis talking about G-D-P.
(or have someone publish a PPA to speed up things)

Having the G-D-P game description shared with other distros
would also give better rankings; at some point upstream
projects could recommend G-D-P instead of providing huge data-extraction shell scripts:

  https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/develop/vcmibuilder (261 lines)
  https://github.com/arx/ArxLibertatis/blob/master/scripts/arx-install-data (3279 lines)


I had a friend visit me today, he said he was happy because he tried
some linux for the first time since 2001 and "everything just works" !
(LXStudio, it' some Kubuntu 14.04 blend)

Well for him everything = google chrome + REAPER music software + 500€ soundcard

He has the thing setup for 3 weeks and has not yet seen a shell !
He will soon because he wants to lower default grub timeout currently set at 30.

Then at some point he'll want to play Maniac Mansion or ROTT.

To gain this kind of users; we'd need to add a plugin to KDE Muon packager
& Gnome synaptic too that somehow bolts G-D-P into these gui's.

It's not really needed for apt / apt-get / aptitude users that already
know how to use a shell; so the virtual packages would only exist
inside the two GUI tools, but not in the command lines ones.

> But to answer your questions we have reached a consensus back then. The quintessence
> was:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Policy#guidelines_for_packaging_game_engines
> "Based on the precedent of quakespasm, the line currently drawn by the
> ftpmasters is that engines as cube2 or quakespasm can go in main without
> Free data also being in main, as long as usable Free data exists."

Thanks for pointing me to this page. It's hard to read archived mailing-list;
I only subscribed in 2014/11 when I saw some activity on G-D-P git repository.


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