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Re: childsplay 2.x - basic queries

in-line :-

On 5/3/14, Sergio Talens-Oliag <sto@debian.org> wrote:
> El Fri, May 02, 2014 at 08:05:29PM +0530, shirish शिरीष va escriure:
>> Hi All,
>> @Sergio Talens-Oliag , it's a great relief to know you would be
>> updating the childsplay package. I did not intend to step on any toes.
> As I said, you are free to do it, I just thought this time would be faster
> if  I do it.

Hi Sergio,
Indeed. I did get the message when you uploaded the new version as you
had closed my wishlist bug :)

As shared it is better as you already know things, I can help with
talking to upstream, no issues there.

>> I just wanted the new version as I do share it as an educational
>> resource for small children and was not happy that I could not share
>> the new version.
> I'm uploading it right now.

Saw that, thank you.

>> Incidentally, I have been putting bugs I have been finding while
>> playing with the game upstream and Stas is fixing them as fast as he
>> can.
> Great, then tell him about the patches I've put on the package, childsplay
> has
> a lot of bugs related to L10N, in fact without my patches a couple of games
> can't be used when using a non english locale because the program assumes
> that all images are localized and when that is not the case no fallback is
> provided.
> I'm sure there will be more upstream bugs, but I prefer to upload the
> package
> now and let upstream fix them when possible.

Sure, will point it out to him. Although he would probably get back to
us end of next week. He mailed me saying he's going to a short holiday
without net access or something of that sorts.

>> I look forward to the new version of childsplay package in games.
> I guess today or tomorrow it will be available from unstable in a Debian
> mirror
> near you ... ;)
> Greetings,
>   Sergio.
> --
> Sergio Talens-Oliag <sto@mixinet.net> <http://mixinet.net/stoblog/>
> Key fingerprint = 29DF 544F 1BD9 548C 8F15 86EF 6770 052B B8C1 FA69

Incidentally, childsplay 2.6.2 landed today at the releases page as
well. I have filed a bug in that as well.

What would be the best way to send the patches to him ? I could open a
bug and put either all the patches that you have made attaching each
single patch or putting all the patches in some archive (.tgz/.zip or

Thank you for your hard work.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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