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Re: LÖVE 0.9.0 breaks compatibility with nearly every 0.8.0 game

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:49:53PM +0100, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
> Well, I already have Löve packages created for 0.8.0 that can coexist
> with the latest version:
> http://miriamruiz.es/debian/love/
> It should be easy enough to upload them. The downside I see, is that
> if there are any issues with these older versions, I'm not sure if
> we'll get much support from upstream.

We'll have to be careful with alternatives-system priorities and the
binfmt registration. The love package(s) register /usr/bin/love as an
interpreter for love files; although as I recall there are some caveats.
Anyway, whichever of 0.8 or 0.9 provides /usr/bin/love on a system will
be the interpreter that is launched when someone tries to execute a love
game (which might include double-clicking it in some DEs). This should
ideally be whichever interpreter is the most likely to be correct, which
from what I've read so far, seems to be 0.8. Perhaps 0.9 needs a lower
alternatives priority.

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