Re: LÖVE 0.9.0 breaks compatibility with nearly every 0.8.0 game
Well, I already have Löve packages created for 0.8.0 that can coexist
with the latest version:
It should be easy enough to upload them. The downside I see, is that
if there are any issues with these older versions, I'm not sure if
we'll get much support from upstream.
2014/1/22 Steven Hamilton <>:
> Steven Hamilton writes:
>> Can we assess what the actual impact is? Is there any other games
>> packaged beyond the Mr.Rescue I've still to get uploaded? There are a
>> few other games I've found on the forums I'd like to package and I was
>> going to ask the community for others.
> Mr.Rescue, currently the only game I know about that's been packaged
> (although not uploaded yet), is broken with 0.9. I think the effort to
> port to 0.9 could be considerable and is best left to the developer. Or
> if I do it it should be pushed upstream which would also force upstream to
> repackage their non-linux distributables. Before I do this I'd rather we
> gathered a better idea of love games with potential for inclusion in the
> archive to get an idea of how we're going to handle versioning. If
> there's lots of 0.8 games then supporting multiple love versions would
> be easier. If not, and 0.9 is the goer then we could stick to 0.9 and
> help patch the 0.8 games up.
> Or I could not bother with love games at all and do something else
> instead. :)
> --
> Steven Hamilton
> I don't look like two zombies
> --
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