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Re: New version of Pink Pony, can someone help me test it?

On Tue, 2013-12-24 at 12:40 +0100, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
> Hi,
> I've packaged a new version of Pink Pony (1.4), but I'm not being able
> to test it here, as I'm at my parent's with just my small lappy and
> the game requires OpenGL 2.0.
> Could any of you test it or or have a look at it before I upload it? I
> can't upload it without being able to check if if works properly.


Thanks for packaging the new version! I can build and install the game
with no problems. :)

A few gotchas though:

* This version still doesn't work for radeon cards (at least those using
the r600 driver). This is a driver bug, but as progress on this is slow
it would be nice if it could be worked around in the game. See:

* There's a regression in the GLSL shaders, causing it to not render
correctly for any Mesa drivers (and possibly other OpenGL
implementations too):

        /usr/share/games/pink-pony/GLSL/water.frag: Compilation failed.
        0:23(47): error: Could not implicitly convert operands to
        arithmetic operator
        0:23(53): error: Operands to arithmetic operators must be
        0:0(0): error: no matching function for call to `sin(error)'
        0:0(0): error: candidates are: float sin(float)
        0:0(0): error:                 vec2 sin(vec2)
        0:0(0): error:                 vec3 sin(vec3)
        0:0(0): error:                 vec4 sin(vec4)
There's no version statement in the shaders, so the game gets GLSL 1.10
(with no implicit conversions). Simply adding #version 120 to the
shaders takes care of this and was probably intended as the .geo shaders
does contain a version statement.

* Then there's this shader problem:

        /usr/share/games/pink-pony/GLSL/water.frag: Compilation failed.
        0:48(7): error: type mismatch
        0:54(17): error: too many parameters to `vec4' constructor
        Linking failed.
        error: linking with uncompiled shader

I think this is because texture2D returns vec4, not vec3 and a simple 
change takes care of it:

        -    vec3 s = texture2D(sky, vec2(phi / M_2_PI + 0.25, eta / M_PI + 0.5));
        +    vec3 s = vec3(texture2D(sky, vec2(phi / M_2_PI + 0.25, eta / M_PI + 0.5)));

But I'm much less sure if this is the correct way to fix this?

I guess these are upstream issues, but I would value some input before
filing bugs.

All the best and happy holidays!

BTW, One of the Mesa software renderers (preferably llvmpipe) is a good
tool to see if an OpenGL game at least starts and renders okay, even if
it's often too slow to play.

Sven Arvidsson
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