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Re: Pink Pony Debian package

2013/9/11 Thomas Weber <ginko@mail.cg.tuwien.ac.at>
Hello Miriam,

Hi!! :) 

I'm the main author of the game Pink Pony and was happy to notice that you have created a Debian package of my game in Sid.

Yup, I've finally been able to put it in the archive! I have been wanting to do so since, dunno, 2009, and for different reasons never really did it. 

I've made some improvements to the game recently. The one which might be most interesting to you is that the game resource folder can now be configured in the pony.options config file, so you shouldn't have to do the extensive patching of the game's source code anymore.

That's cool!!

You can find a version 1.3 on Google code. The configurable resource dir is currently only supported on the GitHub version, but you can expect a 1.3.1 version on Google code soon.

Let me know if I can help you with packaging the game in any way.

I'm currently maintaining it inside the Debian Games Team, if you know or want to learn about packaging, you would be really welcome to help!


PS: I'm CC'ing the Games Team, in case you want to join :)

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