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Re: Package overview page

Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@2008.43-1.org> (29/06/2008):
> If we want to use it, we should also adopt marking packages as
> unreleased in the changelog (which is helpful anyway)

(I'm not entirely convinced. Rationale is: when comes the time for an
upload, one has to switch it back, possibly using dch, also updating the
timestamp, and when the package needs some more iterations, say: it's
being sponsored and the sponsoree doesn't have the time to apply the
needed modifications right now, s/he has to either revert the suite name
change (yeah! more noise!), or leave the $VCS tree in an inconsistent
state: no longer unreleased, but still not uploaded. That could be left
as an exercise to the uploader, but an uploader usually works on a .dsc,
not on an svn checkout.)

> and *not* add an empty changelog entry after upload (--svn-noautodch).

which FWIW I consider really noisy and (as it's called) quite dummy.
Anyway, please note that there's no need to add such an option, it's
sufficient not to commit that stupid changelog entry.


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