On 6/6/06, Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@rulezlan.org> wrote:
Le Mardi 06 Juin 2006 16:22, Jon Dowland a écrit: > At 1149606125 past the epoch, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote: > > We have some packages waiting for an upload. The most > > important are security fixes (teg and netpanzer) regarding > > Sarge and Sid. > > Where is this list kept, out of interest? Is there one place > a DD can look for a list of packages in need of upload for > the group, and strike off the list? Maybe [1] could be > adjusted to this purpose. On the pkg-games-devel list. Mail with ^RFU: in the suject.
Probably it would be good that for packages which do not have an ack in, let's say, one day, to be put on the ftp space of the alioth project[1]? Maybe in a special directory "incoming" ;-) ? The person doing the packagaing will have to build the package in question anyway and DDs too busy with other things than using prepare scripts and similar stuff might appreciate the source package readdy to be checked and uploaded. [1] ftp://pkg-games.alioth.debian.org/pub/pkg-games -- Regards, EddyP ============================================= "Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein