debian-devel-changes May 1999 by author

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SPARC Build Daemon srivasta sstrickl Stefan Gybas Stephane Bortzmeyer Stephan Kulow Stephen Crowley Stephen M Moraco Stephen Zander Steve Dunham Steve Greenland Steve Haslam Steve McIntyre Steven Baker susumu-o Susumu OSAWA Sven Luther SZALAY Attila Takao KAWAMURA Taketoshi Sano Takuro KITAME taru tdale Thimo Neubauer Tibor Koleszar tille Tom Lear (Tommi Virtanen) torsten turbo Turbo Fredriksson Tyson Richard DOWD Vincent Renardias wakkerma Zed Pobre (Zephaniah E, Hull) The last update was on 16:34 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 3799 messages. Page 8 of 8.

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