Hi, we wanted to give you some updates and news about our salsa beta. First, the most important thing: the beta is doing well, we already have more than 2800 repos and over 2200 users on salsa. We also improved our documentation[1], please take a look if you find some spare time (and feel free to improve them more). Now, some announcements: IRC Notifications ----------------- Alexander (formorer) is running an Irker instance on one of its own VMs. Irker can send push events to an IRC channel. Please check the wiki[2] for details on how to use it. We are not entirely happy with irker and are working on a better solution that will also support Issues, Merge Requests and other gitlab events. Until that is ready, you are invited to use the Irker instance. Gitlab Runner ------------- Bastian (waldi) and Alexander (formorer) added two shared runners, one running on the Google Platform, one on Azure to allow experiments with gitlab-ci[3]. Both runners use docker to provide images. You can use every image available in the official docker registry[4]. If you don't choose an image it defaults to debian:9[5]. We are still looking for some offical sponsors of runners, please contact us at salsa-admin@debian.org if you want to sponsor one. Alioth Redirects ---------------- We added a redirect feature for repositories that migrated from alioth to salsa. Please check the docs of the AliothRewriter[6] for details. Keep in mind that git:// and git+ssh:// do not get redirected and therefore you should lock your repositories on alioth after you migrated them. Dealing with Debian BTS from commit messages -------------------------------------------- On Alioth you could modify the post-receive hooks to your liking, and as such many people used various solutions to either tag bugs pending or even close them, based on the commits pushed. As that way is not available on gitlab, I wrote a webhook receiver to replace it. This webhook receiver allows to close bugs - or tag them pending, whichever way you prefer - using commit messages. Check our docs on how to use it[7]. Additional webhook abilities ---------------------------- The code[8] for the webhook receiver is easily extendable (just add a file to the plugins dir), so we invite feature and/or merge requests if you want to add more abilities to it. To see what can be done, upstream documentation [9] has a nice overview. A few limits/caveats: - The webhook service has *NO* access to the git repositories whatsoever. It only knows whatever the JSON payload provides. - URL parameters CAN be used to transmit more (like the source package name), but to avoid confusion and complexity, they should be limited to the absolute minimum. If you need something really complex, developing an integration for gitlab may be the better way. - gitlab wants hooks to be FAST, so if something potentially long running is to be done (like SOAP fetching from BTS), make it run in background. Joerg on behalf of the salsa team aka Bastian Blank (waldi) Jörg Jaspert (ganneff) and Alexander Wirt (formorer) [1] https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/Doc [2] https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/Doc#IRC_notifications [3] https://about.gitlab.com/features/gitlab-ci-cd/ [4] https://hub.docker.com/ [5] https://hub.docker.com/_/debian/ [6] https://salsa.debian.org/salsa/AliothRewriter [7] https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/Doc#Dealing_with_Debian_BTS_from_commit_messages [8] https://salsa.debian.org/salsa/webhook [9] https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/integrations/webhooks.html -- bye, Joerg
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