Hi, The 10th Debian Groupware Meeting[1] was held on a weekend in April in the LinuxHotel, Essen, Germany[2]. We were five people altogether. This is a short overview of what we worked on during the weekend: * The groupware page[3] got far more than the usual update and was completely reworked. It now gives a better overview about client and server packages already included in Debian and prospective new packages. * Several bugs in Calypso were fixed including adding bcrypt support, fixes for newer python-vobject and some patches towards python3 support. * There was further work on getting zarafa-webapp initially into Debian. This included adding support for different http servers. A first upload is underway[4]. There was also work on updating kopanocore and it's dependencies such as libvmime. * We made the preparations for the first upload of the now renamed Icedove to Thunderbird to stable / oldstable. This included fixing bugs in the profile migration and preparing updates for packages that still had an unversioned conflict on Thunderbird. * Several bugs in DAViCal were fixed, reported or commented on and there was some work on running tests with caldav-tester. Integration with khal/vdirsyncer was also tested. * A new upstream snapshot of Radicale was uploaded to experimental. Integration with vdirsyncer was tested. * A new upstream release of uWSGI was packaged and uploaded. Some of the fixed bugs affected applications like Radiale. Again we had a mix of first timers, Debian Maintainers, upstreams and Debian Developers with lots of room for discussion, barbecue and bug squashing. Cheers, -- Guido (on behalf of the Debian Groupware Meeting attendees) [1]: https://wiki.debian.org/GroupwareMeeting2017-04-07to09 [2]: http://www.linuxhotel.de/community.html [3]: https://wiki.debian.org/Groupware [4]: https://github.com/tijuca/zarafa-webapp
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