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bits from the DPL -- mid-April to mid-August 2014


As obviously shown by the subject of this mail, I failed to keep up with
the promised monthly reporting frequency. Let's try to stop this trend!

- Debian logo now registered as a trademark
- Collaboration with the FSF on h-node.org
- Official list of Debian Trusted Organizations
- Update of the Release team delegation
- Update of the DebConf chairs delegation
- Donations in Bitcoin
- Assets - revenue from our partnership with DuckDuckGo
- Assets - infrastructure
- Assets - meetings, sprints, conferences
- DPL TO-DO list
- Day-to-day log

Debian logo now registered as a trademark

Thanks to the work of the Debian trademark team and the Software Freedom
Law Center (SFLC), the Debian logo is now officially registered as a
trademark, as can be seen on [1].

[1] http://tdr.uspto.gov/search.action?sn=86037470

Collaboration on h-node.org with the FSF

The h-node.org project[1], developed by the FSF, aims at creating a hardware
database in order to identify devices that work with a fully free operating
system. It can be noted that the website recommends the use of Debian in order
to verify that a given device works, which, even if Debian is not part of the
FSF's list of endorsed distributions, is a very nice move towards more official
recognition of Debian as a fully free distribution by the FSF. For those of you
attending DebConf'14, please note that there's a "Debian and the FSF" session
later today!

[1] http://h-node.org/

Official list of Debian Trusted Organizations

Following the work on evaluation criteria for Trusted Organizations
(organizations that hold funds or other property on behalf of Debian)[1],
four organizations went through the process and have been officially
granted the status of Debian Trusted Organizations[2]:
 + Software in the Public Interest, Inc. (SPI)
 + Förderung Freier Informationen und Software (ffis e.V.)
 + Debian France
 + DebConf Deutschland e.V.

There is still work to do in this area to validate the status of
Debian.ch, and to track down a few other organizations holding funds for
Debian for historical reasons.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DPL/TrustedOrganizationCriteria
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/07/msg00003.html

Update of the Release team delegation

The Release Team delegation was updated to add Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
(pochu) as Release Assistant.


Update of the DebConf chairs delegation

The DebConf chairs delegation was updated. Holger Levsen and Gunnar Wolf
stepped down, and Martín Ferrari and Tássia Camões became members of the
group. The 'Task description' was also clarified in light of the recent
discussions about DebConf governance. However, DebConf governance is still
a hot topic, and will likely be the focus of some discussions during


Donations in Bitcoin

Crytocurrencies have been the subject of a lot of attention recently.
Debian received its first Bitcoin donation, which was handled in a ad-hoc
manner as we don't have any infrastructure for them yet. The Debian
auditors are looking into various options around this, and to understand
where we should be going with cryptocurrencies donations, we would like to
hear from people interested in making such donations. Specifically, would
it matter to you that Debian tries to keep and use those donations as
bitcoins? Or on the contrary, would you prefer Debian to convert them into
USD or EUR to limit the risks raised by the higher volatility of Bitcoins?

Assets - revenue from our partnership with DuckDuckGo

As previously announced by Stefano Zacchiroli [1], Debian entered a
revenue sharing partnership with the DuckDuckGo search engine back in
2012. Debian received $1490.72 from April 2013 and June 2014, averaging
$152 per month for the last six months.

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/05/msg00001.html

Assets - infrastructure

A new backup infrastructure (server + storage array) was purchased and
installed at DG-i: $8981

Disks for our bytemark datacenter were bought: £2954.86 This purchase
brought the remaining Debian funds at the former Debian UK organization
to zero.

Other minor expenses: SSL certificates (207€ + 180€), cage nuts (10€),
network switch (417.50€), fans (£43.68), USB cables (£11.39), serial
terminal adapter (39.08€), serial console adapters (18.04€), rail kit
(117.84€), extended warranty for a storage array (CAD 784.62)

Assets - meetings, sprints, conferences

DebConf'15 kick-off meeting
The DebConf'15 team organized a kick-off meeting on May 3rd in Heidelberg
(in the to-be DC15 venue). It gathered 17 members of the team.  See [1]
for details.
Cost for Debian: 1700€

[1] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/KickoffMeeting

Tails Hackfest
Debian sponsored the Tails hackfest that took place in Paris on July 5-6.
For more information, see [1], [2], and the discussion starting at [3].
Cost for Debian: 5000€

[1] https://tails.boum.org/
[2] https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/HackFest_2014_Paris/
[3] https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2014/05/msg00002.html

systemd + GNOME sprint
A systemd + GNOME sprint was organized in Antwerp on April 25-27.
Details: https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2014/SystemdGNOMESprint
Report: https://lists.debian.org/debian-sprints/2014/05/msg00000.html
Cost for Debian: 2000€

bootstrap sprint
A bootstrap sprint (covering toolchain & porting issues) took place
in Paris on August 16-19.
Details: https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2014/BootstrapSprint
Cost for Debian: 3000€

DebianMed sprint
A DebianMed sprint will be organized from 2015-01-31 to 2015-02-02.
Details: https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2015/DebianMed2015
Amount allocated: 1600€ (if 4 DD attend) or 2000€ (if 5 DD)

Travel sponsorship for GSOC students at DebConf'14
In order to enable our GSOC students to attend DebConf'14, I
authorized the use of $6138. This comes in addition to Google's
sponsoring of the travel for $500 per student.

MiniDebConf India
A MiniDebConf is being organized in India on October 17-18.
Details: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianIndia/MiniDebConf2014/Kollam
I authorized the use of 4500€, to help fund the travel of Debian
contributors and speakers to the event.

DPL TO-DO list

(also available at https://people.debian.org/~lucas/todo.txt)

*** delegations and teams
- revisit thread on handling of release goals (C: thread at http://deb.li/3D9kV)
- [lucas] re-re-delegate policy editors to address concerns (http://deb.li/3s5PN)
- [lucas] set up board

*** money / accounting / TOs / auditor / trademark
**** auditors
IU (I = importance, U = urgency, 1 is the top)
11 - [lucas/auditor] build global overview of Debian finances - see platform, 3.3.1. (N: centralize data)
11 - [auditor] improve reimbursement procedures (C: http://deb.li/s6MI, N: formalize and document process for use of RT to track reimbursements).
12 - [bgupta] rework donations web page. (N: HTML mockup; #681501)
12 - [lucas] TO evaluation: Debian.ch (C: questions sent, no reply yet)
13 - [auditor] update delegation (with new members). N: draft task description
13 - [auditor] rationalize Debian's approach to donations, hardware donations, partners and sponsors. (see email from lfilipoz@, 2014-02-08). N: define an actionable plan
13 - more coordinated fundraising (http://deb.li/i2dMv). N: define an actionable plan
13 - [auditor] work with SPI to improve tracking of incomes and expenses. N: ?
13 - [auditor] create webpage with list of trusted organizations + pointer to evaluation criteria
31 - [lucas] terminate the visa card as it has not been useful and costs money (C: request sent to SPI treasurer, waiting for answer about costs)
22 - [bgupta] work with SPI to enable donations via paypal (C: ?)
33 - set up royalty scheme about Debian book from Packt Publishing (C: see email from 2014-01-20. N: docs to fill)
33 - [bgupta/SFLC] look at donations using cryptocurrencies (C: ?)

**** trademark
- [bgupta] define a policy for the handling of debian.* domain names
- [trademark] prepare delegation
- [trademark] send 'bits' email

**** legal
- [zack] copyright assignment / license enforcement for Debian
- decide if we should join OIN. See http://deb.li/FTcE + following private feedback

*** communication
- prepare the DPL page for the DC14 final report

*** projects/ideas outside DPL scope to help move forward / make sure it happens:
**** new contributors related
- Debian Welcome team (C: http://deb.li/ctX2 + BOF during DebConf - http://deb.li/w3bM . recent email: http://deb.li/3tCUj )
- "recruit" some example packages to point prospective contributors to. (N: send mail to -devel@, ping major teams)
- adjust documentation around 'gift' tag, or rename the tag. See http://deb.li/GWs4
- debbugs submissions via http (C: http://deb.li/3F03i N: follow-up on #590269)

**** other
- Free access to public Clouds for Debian development (C: list of options+instructions sent to DSA for review)
- Debian Code of Conduct (C: http://deb.li/3wRWh  N: iterate with a new version?)
- binary-throw-away uploads -- related to reproducible builds (C: http://deb.li/3NPsz N: dak work)
- Debian PPA (would make transitions much easier to manage) (C: implementation not started yet AFAIK  N: dak work)
- open discussion on ligthening the SC #5 wording ("we support the use of non-free works")? (could also help with FSF's Debian freeness assessment)

*** Blocked / To watch
- look at http://www.uefi.org/join and decide whether we should join
- package for dvd playing library. was reviewed by ftpmasters (N: Dmitry Smirnov to include feedback and provide a description of the packaging that can be reviewed by SFLC)
- FSF recognition as a free distro (WIP: non-free.org; blocker: fsf-provided list of issues)
- discuss new nm.debian.org website and possible integration with the DM workflow (with the DM keyring team)
- debbugs (C: team with low manpower; call for help sent in dpl bits  N: ?)
- add emergency contact info in LDAP (C: asked DSA on 2014-08-23)

Day-to-day log

As usual, my day-to-day log of DPL activities is available on

- Lucas

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