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Bugfix procedures for frozen Build-Depends Debian "potato" is frozen! Debian Leader Elections dpkg CVS warning (Re: Installed tiff 3.5.4-4 (source i386)) FTP Archive on VA ITP: spf Leader Nominations Linux World Expo in NY ORBS and Debian Packages removed from frozen performance Please Moderate Debian-Devel-Announce Potato freezes this weekend Release-critical Bugreport for January 7, 2000 Release-critical Bugreport for January 14, 2000 Release-critical Bugreport for January 21, 2000 Release-critical Bugreport for January 28, 2000 Scary bugs Scary mailing list, Re: Scary bugs Re: Timeline for potato The last update was on 18:13 GMT Sun Jun 02. There are 40 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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