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On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 02:34:52PM -0800, Kevin Dalley wrote:
> Florian Lohoff <flo@rfc822.org> writes:
> > Freeze has some predepends - Working boot-floppies which do not exist
> > and a base stability. Then - Freeze - Force people to work on frozen
> > and release within 4-6 Weeks.
> The base stability happens after the freeze, not before, except for a
> few minutes her and there.  As long as unstable packages can be
> uploaded, they will be uploaded, along with their critical bugs.
> unstable is quite unlikely to have a base stability.  After the
> freeze, the number of critical bugs will really start to decrease.
> The number of new critical bugs introduced will decrease, and,
> eventually, we will be ready for a release.

> Let's freeze soon, continue working on boot-floppies, continue fixing
> critical bugs in frozen, and continue to upload the new bugs to
> unstable, where they belong.

I can't believe were not freezing.

How dissapointing, particularily with the hype on /. that surrounded the
announcement that we were...

If you want my opinion (which I admit probably isn't much) then we should
freeze _now_.  So - the boot-floppies don't work 100% yet, but at least we
have made a commitment to getting something done.  Besides, if I was the
maintainer of a release-critical package, I would want everything nice and
quiet in the distribution to fix some of these things.

Also, if the boot-floppies are really holding this stuff up, can we
devote more time / effort to them? (something that IMHO will happen when people
realise that its the only thing holding a release up).  Perhaps at this point
expecting a single maintainer to code it on his own is not enough...

There was also a comment floating around about developers apathy to the
"stable" distribution.  I, for one, am a habitual unstable user.  But that
doesn't mean I don't like the feeling I get when a new release is out the
door.  Its kind of like a pat-on-the-back, "well done jim" sort of feeling.
IMHO developers need that feeling, or we begin to wonder whether we are
achieving anything at all.

Cmon - lets freeze this thing and make the world better...


            Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today
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