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Re: Introducing Alioth: SourceForge for Debian

Raphael Hertzog (2003-03-29 21:53:21 +0100) :

> Sure. alioth offers most of the services of cvs.debian.org but I
> don't know (yet) how to create alioth CVS repositories with write
> access to all Debian developers...

There is a group called Debian.  It currently has 1115 members, as
imported from the Debian accounts.  It's currently hidden so only the
Alioth cabal can access it, but there's no technical reason preventing
it to be made public.  In which case, every DD will automatically get
write access to the CVS repository associated with this group, at

  If need arises...

Roland Mas

Why did the elephant cross the road?
Because it was the chicken's day off.

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