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Re: Why does modules.conf go in /etc, anyway?

How about this for setserial?
 o change the priority in /etc/rcS.d
   - If someone can tell me a reason why is must be S30, then this is a non
     starter. However, it could be after mountnfs IMHO, making it S46. Any
     objections? After mountnfs the var drive should be mounted.
 o by default have no serial.conf file in /etc. If the user creates one then
   it automatically has priority and all the automatic procedures are used
 o what setserial was using serial.conf for (i.e. the automatic configuration
   systems) be renamed and moved to /var/something. How about
   /var/lib/setserial/autoserial.conf ?

Is anyone not happy for this to take place? I can write some automatic
routines to handle this upgrade.


Gordon Russell
PGP Public Key - http://www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/~gor/pgpkey.txt

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