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Re: Bug#150761: ITP: moin -- Python clone of WikiWiki

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis wrote:
It should be now obvious that to mee they don't. The only thing that matter
for the _package_ name is the _project_ name.

Not really. The upstreams source distribution base name is a bit easier to follow than anything else. Plus, with the history of wiki and wikiwiki, its not surprising that the name of the package and the upstream source file is 'moin'. Your main argument, that the project name is 'moinmoin' doesn't really hold up in this instance, I feel.

I think this is really just some excess from all the annoyances of people calling their *.app programs without the .app postfix in a package name. I agree, their nasty evil pollution of the namespace is evil, but lets not lose common sense and start becoming totally pedantic every time someone ITPs a project with a mostly decent common name but foo person said bar package should have been barbaz and then every package that can be barbaz better be barbaz! I'm just not convinced that 'moin' is a horrible pollution of the namespace compared to:

preferences - GNUstep Preferences.app
imageviewer - Image Viewer for GNUstep

Both of these easily have counterparts in other desktop suites and really are a nasty blemish on the namespace...

gnome-control-center - The Gnome Control Center

Note how the gnome people prefixed with gnome-. I just don't think hysteria about namespace convetion is warranted for things like 'moin' but is for things like 'prefrences' and 'imageviewer'.

Scott Dier <dieman@ringworld.org> http://www.ringworld.org/

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