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Re: A new user experience for Jessy ?

A script! Oww!

That would be fantastic. There is a proposal to define the structure
of a theme package, we can resume this discussion.


It would be nice not to have only the "debian-desktop" as a package
but a support for "skins" more flexible.

2013/8/19 Adrien Aubourg <adrien.aubourg@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the offer. I will definitely ask access to the gitorious
> repository, but I'm waiting for a GPL-licensed wallpaper that fits well with
> what I've done.
> After this, I should have a complete install script for a light and new
> themed Debian which should be a good base for other packages. Then I'll push
> my files into the collabart repo.
> I'll let you know.
> Adrien
> Le 19/08/2013 14:47, ValessioBrito a écrit :
>> According,
>> I think this is an opportunity to work in collaboration among all
>> artists, developers and users of Debian. Together we can deliver a
>> better user experience, from the installer to the desktop version.
>> I'm available to assist with anything you need.
>> If you need access to and Gitorious[1] or DebianArt[2], count me out.
>> [1] https://gitorious.org/themes-debianart/collabart
>> [2] http://www.debianart.org or http://svn.debianart.org/
>> 2013/8/17 Adrien Aubourg <adrien.aubourg@gmail.com>:
>>> Hey guys !
>>> Yes, Jessy is far from being release as the stable release, but it's not
>>> too
>>> soon to begin working on the graphic theme, and more generally on the
>>> user
>>> experience. Indeed, the choice of the Wheezy theme was kind of arbitrary,
>>> but it was necessary due to freeze deadline and debian package
>>> validation.
>>> Well, let's begin to work then !
>>> Some critics about the Wheezy theme was that "it was just a bunch of
>>> wallpapers and backgrounds". That was kind of right. So there I propose a
>>> totally new approach for the design and the user experience for Jessy.
>>> Before describing the approach, I wish this work to be part of CollabArt
>>> [1], as I prefer collaboration than competition (competition that
>>> happened
>>> for Wheezy).
>>> Well, you all heard about the famous distribution called Archlinux. After
>>> long talks with users of the distributions, I discovered many reasons why
>>> people are attracted by this distribution. The two main reasons are the
>>> packages that are all up to date from upstreams (something that Debian
>>> shouldn't and won't compete) and the fact that's a bare and very light
>>> distribution out of the box. The latter is interesting, as many of them
>>> wasn't aware that Debian can be installed with very few packages. Debian
>>> is,
>>> actually, a very light distribution. It's just that people are used to
>>> download and install the default Gnome distribution.
>>> On the other hand, Debian is not well-known for its simplicity. Actually,
>>> I
>>> favor Lubuntu and Xubuntu for new Linux users. So we can't set a new
>>> default
>>> Debian distribution that won't be perfect for newcomer, but will be a
>>> good
>>> and light start for a medium-experienced user, or for users that want
>>> lightness over simplicity.
>>> So I've selected few packages for a bare Debian installation, and I
>>> configured them to obtain both a new design and a new experience.
>>> Roughly:
>>> - LXDE with Openbox/pcmanfm
>>> - Slim
>>> - Midori
>>> - Xarchiver
>>> - Wicd
>>> - Sylpheed
>>> - I intend to replace xscreensaver by slimlock [2]
>>> There are two screenshots: Slim, and desktop. These are taken directly
>>> after
>>> the installation of the theme [3 - 4]
>>> To install the theme:
>>> - Setup a minimal (really minimal) Debian Jessy
>>> - Log as root and install the "ca-certificates" package
>>> - Grab the installation script:
>>> https://raw.github.com/Vagdish/Debian8-Theme/master/install.sh
>>> - Make it executable (chmod +x install.sh)
>>> - Launch it (./install.sh)
>>> - Wait until reboot.
>>> - I can't find how to change the default gtk theme. So change it from
>>> "Clearlooks" (the default) to "Mist".
>>> - Voilà !
>>> Two things to notice:
>>> - Slim and Pcmanfm can't scale the background to fit (like --bg-scale feh
>>> option), So we will have to make many wallpapers at different resolution.
>>> - The wallpaper has no license at all. I'm trying to contact the original
>>> author. But anyway, the wallpaper is just a part of the whole experience.
>>> I *will* make gnome/gdm/kdm/... themes. Like any other Debian theme, it
>>> will
>>> act on all required packages. But I want to uses Jessy as an opportunity
>>> to
>>> change the default Debian set of packages to make it lighter and more
>>> attractive.
>>> The project if hosted on Github: https://github.com/Vagdish/Debian8-Theme
>>> I may push it to the CollabArt Gitorious repository if asked.
>>> Thank you !
>>> Adrien Aubourg
>>> [1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes/CollabArt
>>> [2] http://joelburget.com/slimlock/ (It is currently a part of the
>>> upstream
>>> Slim)
>>> [3] http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/bjsh.png/
>>> [4] http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/89/k41x.png/

> Profissional de inovação
@valessiobrito / +55 (71) VALESSIO

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