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Re: Why Debian for corporate desktops (5K to 50K machines)?

Em Sáb, 2007-09-01 às 22:13 -0300, André Felipe Machado escreveu:
> Hello,

Hey =)

> The previous bad experiences with the custom fedora based, left ZERO
> space for more technical and management errors.

Having being involved in such stuff (mostly by fixing bad stuff people
did), I think the most important part here is not to present the
qualities of Debian based solely on what we think is best, but to study
why it failed with Fedora and how those problems would be solved; you
may find out that the main problem was OpenOffice, for instance, or
something such as people still using diskettes and not being able to,
and you'll want to fix that (and training might actually be a much
better tool when compared to stuff such as automount).

>From my experience, it does not matter if you have very good tools (such
as Debian and GNOME/KDE) if you treat them badly, so it is important to
plan and use stuff such as gconf and debconf correctly from the
ground-up. But I think it is important to keep in mind that the most
important part is understanding the environment and why the Fedora
customization failed!

See you,

Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>

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