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Why Debian for corporate desktops (5K to 50K machines)?

An unexpected opportunity to present Debian Desktop is coming.
I received a request to list pure Debian Desktop advantages for a
massive migration at a government agency, MAYBE expanding at even more
others IF successful.
Such large scale migration and administration is critical.

I would like to differentiate from rpm based and flashy .deb derived
distros (they already had  painful and costly experiences from a custom
in-house rpm fedora based and are evaluating other distros like ubuntu
and suse).
Also, windows and msoffice docs/macros/apps will not go away and will
have to coexist for (too) many years. I hope they fading...

The previous bad experiences with the custom fedora based, left ZERO
space for more technical and management errors.

Could you point some Debian Desktop key advantages?

Andre Felipe

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