Re: desktop task: package list
On 11/25/06, Luis Matos <> wrote:
Sáb, 2006-11-25 às 19:37 -0200, Gustavo Franco escreveu:
> On 11/25/06, Luis Matos <> wrote:
> > hello there
> >
> > talking about the gnome desktop task ( don't know about other
> > environments) and the packages that should go along.
> >
> > i want to propose a minimal (or "normal") desktop task and a full
> > functional desktop task.
> Actually we've the 'desktop' task for this and the recent added 'xfce'
> to act as lightweight desktop options.
ok, i understand your point ... in tasksel you can choose desktop, but
witch one is installed, does it appear all options?
Actually GNOME is the default during the regular installation, but one
that wants kde or xfce will be able to point it out before the
installer boots. If it isn't yet, the feature will be documented in
the installation manual.
i thought that a desktop task was shown and installed kde minimal and
gnome minimal. And then, another task installed, for example, a gnome
optimised gnome desktop.
There's no 'desktop environment foo minimal' and 'desktop environment
foo optimised' tasks. Just 'desktop' (using twm), 'gnome-desktop',
'kde-desktop' and 'xfce-desktop'.
this one, i would like to make, let's say, completely functional with no
needs for a common user to install anything more. It just has all
functions provided my windows or MacOS.
they are:
. audio and video codecs
. out of the box drivers
done, but it depends of your hardware as windows and macos. ;)
. filesystem support
i bet we support through the linux kernel more than windows and/or macos does.
. and desktop integration
almost done.
> > . contacts ( address book that integrates with evolution)
> hmm?
contacts is an address book for pda's. but it is good to just have an
address book. it's lightwheight and it can substitute evolution in a
fast lookup.
oh, i'll take a look. thanks.
> > . totem with all available codecs
> We've totem using xine backend and browser plugins too. In other
> words, you can see that pretty good apple traillers on their website,
> got it? ;)
i am using gstreamer. witch backend supports more codecs?
> > - games
> > . frozen buble
> > . gnome-sudoku
> We've gnome games. ;)
true, but these i think are good to add.
Probably, remember us during lenny development cycle. You can start
something in wiki.d.o. Do you know our wiki?
> >
> > ==== other stuff ===
> >
> > = nautilus and gnomevfs related
> > to support every fs:
> >
> > . ssh
> > . ftp
> > . gnomevfs-extfs
> > . libntfs-gnomevfs
> > . smbfs ( and smbclient?)
> > . nfs (?)
> > . davfs2
> needs review for Lenny, but we've good support for Etch.
my aim is to support all available. if the user needs it, it is there.
The best way is check what we haven't in d-i etch rc1 yet, just a few i bet. ;)
-- stratus
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