Re: desktop task: package list
On 11/25/06, Luis Matos <> wrote:
hello there
talking about the gnome desktop task ( don't know about other
environments) and the packages that should go along.
i want to propose a minimal (or "normal") desktop task and a full
functional desktop task.
Actually we've the 'desktop' task for this and the recent added 'xfce'
to act as lightweight desktop options.
by this i mean that a full desktop task should cover every area of
desktop usage such as:
You should take a look at tasksel source package first, but there we go.
- desktop accessories:
. desktop search (beagle)
.. beagle-backend-evolution
I use beagle a lot, but do you know about the current leak problems
and size of .beagle directory? Well, it won't make Etch because it's
too unstable.
. chm visualiser ( xchm or gnochm)
Not sure about .chm readers. Good hint. I'll take a look if it made
what we think is the last tasksel upload before Etch.
- development ( i think development tools are not needed)
There is nothing special but Debian Etch GNOME desktop is 'development
ready'. You know, the package options not the ones installed by
- system tools
. gconf-editor
. gnome-keyring-manager
already done.
- graphics
. gtkam ( today everyone has a digital foto machine)
. gthumb
. camorama (we cam enable)
. gimp
.. gtkam-gimp
.. gimp-svg
.. gimp-print
.. gimp-help-en
There's gthumb and gimp. Nothing special for cameras but they're
usable through 'default' GNOME.
. xsane
.. libsane-extras
.. sane-utils
- internet
. tsclient
.. rdesktop
.. vnc-viewer
If i'm not wrong rdesktop does vnc-viewer, no?
. liferea
. epiphany-browser
.. epiphany-extensions
done ;)
. gaim
.. gaim-backend-evolution
. evolution
.. evolution-exchange
.. evolution-plugins
.. evolution-webcal
.. contact-lookup-applet
. xchat
. ekiga
hmm, done! :)
- productivity
. with gnome integration ( the few integration)
. glabels ( for cd covers, labels, and others)
good hint for lenny.
. contacts ( address book that integrates with evolution)
- sound and video
. Istanbul session recorder ( it's for fun)
valid candidate for lenny, imho.
. totem with all available codecs
We've totem using xine backend and browser plugins too. In other
words, you can see that pretty good apple traillers on their website,
got it? ;)
- games
. frozen buble
. gnome-sudoku
We've gnome games. ;)
==== other stuff ===
= nautilus and gnomevfs related
to support every fs:
. ssh
. ftp
. gnomevfs-extfs
. libntfs-gnomevfs
. smbfs ( and smbclient?)
. nfs (?)
. davfs2
needs review for Lenny, but we've good support for Etch.
= version control clients =
. subversion
. cvs
. bzr
weren't included yet.
= drivers =
(people will be satisfied if their hardware just work)
- printer drivers
. hplip
. hpoj
. hpijs
. ( etc)
we've printing support
= file roller =
. arj
. tar
. bzip2
. zip (unzip)
. rar (unrar)
. lha
( some more)?
some included, some not.
= development tools =
. some? or none?
none by default, we've text editors. let us avoid the eclipse versus
emacs versus foo favourite development suite war. :)
= administration =
. synaptic
. gdebi ( to install simple .deb packages)
both included.
what do you think of this?
That we need some people to verify if what i said that was included,
is working in Etch (RC1 or upcoming RC2) and let us go ahead to
include some more good stuff in Lenny and remove what wasn't needed.
-- stratus
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