Re: desktop-base status (Was: gdm theme changes!)
On Wed, Nov 08, 2006, Loïc Minier wrote:
> * I heard a hint from Kevin Krammer who suggested putting a .sh
> script in /usr/env to let startkde source it, it could change
> KDEDIRS which is a list of directories to search for various
> things, in particular configs; I thought about this, but I'm not
> sure it can be cleanly implemented, in particular it should work
> with locally modified environments, or other scripts setting
> KDEDIRS; what I could imagine could work would be if [ -z $KDEDIRS
> ]; then KDEDIRS=/usr:/etc; fi;
> KDEDIRS=$KDEDIRS:/usr/share/desktop-base/kde;
> for this to work, I'll need to verify that nothing else defines the
> config items I want to set in the default install higher in the
> KDEDIRS chain, and also look for the proper default KDEDIRS to set;
> I installed KDE to check this, but didn't check until now
I confirm that KDEDIRS is empty in the default installation when you
hook a /usr/env/, but of course we should handle cases
where a prior env script has set KDEDIRS, or when the admin setuped
KDEDIRS via other means (e.g. /etc/environment).
Loïc Minier <>
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