Re: desktop-base status (Was: gdm theme changes!)
On 11/8/06, Loïc Minier <> wrote:
Fathi reminded me that desktop-base is RO for him as this point; we
should setup some common repo.
Hi Buxy,
Well, i've contacted the debian-desktop alioth project admins ages ago
without any response. I'm maintaining the Debian Desktop[0]
development page and we (the debian-desktop guys) need to move
desktop-base from pkg-gnome svn to a common repository for KDE and
XFCE guys. The best option is debian-desktop, IMHO.
I would like to hijack debian-desktop alioth project if the admins
won't use that anymore. AFAIK, there are no DDs involved on that 2
years inactive project. Thoughts?
[0] =
thanks in advance,
-- stratus
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