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A little help getting started?

Hi all.

I've been browsing through some pages on buildd, sbuild, and the like. The best I can find is the thing on building your own autobuild node[1], but that seems very specific to integrating with Debian proper. Likewise, it's ... a mess. Not really concerned with being The Everyman's Guide.

This is kind of bewildering for me. My goal is to configure a setup (locally on virtual machines) that essentially allows me to auto-build locally in two modes:

-   Pull from Debian
-   Insert my own additional packages

That is, to create a Debian derivative. It's more than that for sure: you also need to build an installation CD and everything; but if you intend to make a derivative distro, you need some kind of autobuilder or you're in for a world of hurt.

In the end I want to produce two deliverables:

-   Documentation on how to actually do this, straight forward, not
    littered with consideration about if you're auto-building with d.o
-   Puppet modules and nodes suitable for deployment (VM, bare metal,
    Amazon EC2, even Vagrant)

These can be extended out to integrate with generic Debian derivatives, which I wouldn't mind doing as well. Essentially, a look at the requirements to link an autobuilder to d.o as per [1], and then distill those down to Puppet code that allows linking to any generic Debian autobuilder network (Debian or derivative).

(Oddly enough, [1] references a Puppet class ... )

Problem is I'm dead in the water getting started. Which is, of course, why I'm trying to make better documentation.

[1] https://buildd.debian.org/docs/buildd-setup.txt

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