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Re: derivatives and bugs

Paul Wise left as an exercise for the reader:
> Interesting, I hadn't thought of adding Bugzilla support and I note
> that there are a wide variety of bugs in Bugzilla installations linked
> to from the wiki. Had a quick look at the XMLRPC API docs, adding this
> is probably 10-20 lines of python code so I'll work on that.

Cool; I'd be happy to test it some for you. Please feel free to use the
sprezzabugs instance for a test platform in the meantime. I'll create an
account for you if you'd like one, though search capabilities ought be
available without a login.

I'm using hooks from both GitHub and the Sprezzatech Jenkins installation to
automatically modify bugs. Each has an associated user, and an
authentication token which has (obviously) been stored in their systems.

> It looks like the Bugzilla XMLRPC API doesn't support searching, but
> buglist.cgi seems to support various output formats, including RDF,
> CSV etc. So basically we need a way for you to attach Debian source

Hrmmm really? http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/tip/en/html/api/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.html
suggests otherwise:


I'm pretty sure this is what the MediaWiki BugzillaReports extension uses.

https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla%3aREST_API requires BzAPI, which I've
never personally even seen installed.

> It seems that the downside to using keywords is that the bugzilla
> admin is the only one who can create them and they have to be created
> manually.

Yeah, this is pretty much a Public-Read, Private-Write bugtracker, and will
remain so until we have resources to combat spam, more faith in Bugzilla
security, etc. That said, if I set up an account for DBTS hookery, I can
give keyword creation rights to that account. Whatever means I have for
detecting/verifying the bug's forward to Debian will need editing rights to
add the keyword to bug instances, so it'll just also need rights to add
keyword definitions.

That said, is usage of non-public APIs within the framework of the Social
Contract and especially DFSG? Would it be required that authentication
materials be checked into DEX, for instance? If that's the (understandable)
case, it's simply not going to fly, and I'll need do everything on my side.

> debian-* keyword, then link to the buglist.cgi page for the keyword:
> https://www.sprezzatech.com/bugs/buglist.cgi?keywords=debian-;keywords_type=regexp;ctype=csv;columnlist=keywords
> https://www.sprezzatech.com/bugs/buglist.cgi?keywords=debian-udev;keywords_type=anywords

Right now, I'm not even splitting up components into different packages --
most everything is one of "installer", "kernel", or "world". I don't think
it's necessary that I divide components to facilitate this keywording,

> I don't think that would be a concern, since the integration would be
> between the PTS and bugzilla, not the BTS. The PTS is based on static
> HTML so availability wouldn't be affected.


> Thanks, I will document this in the derivatives guidelines.

If you'd like me to get on the IRC channel sometime, let me know when, and
I'll do whatever I can to assist this effort. Thanks!

nick black     http://www.sprezzatech.com -- unix and hpc consulting
to make an apple pie from scratch, you need first invent a universe.

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