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Re: finding packages that were built from an older source

On Sat, 26 May 2012 15:57:01 +0100
peter green <plugwash@p10link.net> wrote:

> Anyway onto my question. Does there exist a tool that can take a 
> "Sources" file and a "Packages" file and give me a list of binary 

Insufficient input - the version in the Packages file won't necessarily
be related to the version in Sources - there exist packages in the
archive where the source version differs from the binary version and
not just with +b1 etc.

libdevmapper-dev is one which I come across for Emdebian all the time
but that is only processing 10% of the archive so there could easily be

Source version: '2.02.95-3',

> packages that were not built from the current source? In particular I 
> want to find old soversions of libraries so I can clean them up (that is 
> schedule binnmus on them to eliminate dependencies and then remove them).

Could be easier to do that from the build logs themselves (or a
database populated by the build process).

> Also useful would be a tool to take a packages file and list the 
> reverse-dependencies of a specified package.

apt-rdepends has code for that.

> I'm sure I could write such tools myself but i'd rather not have to if 
> it already exists. I've been told that dak has a built in feature to do 
> this but we are using reprepro.

dak has the cruft support but that's not automatic, it still needs
manual checks and removal steps.


Neil Williams

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