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Re: CDDs projects on Alioth

Hi all,

Having read this and related discussion on both debian-custom an
debian-desktop, here is a possible solution.


1 - A Custom Debian Distribution (CDD) is a customized installation of
otherwise available Debian released software. (OK, yes we know this :-)

2 - Each CDD targets a specific end user goal or activity, and  will
contain tools to specialize Debian for that goal or purpose. This
software represents the infrastructure of the CDD. Likewise the CDD will
contain a selection of software well suited to the same goal or purpose.
This software represents the body or product of the CDD.

3 - Each CDD Project cannot forcibly exclude the work of any other
Debian related project or break current Policy. As such the individual
solutions provided by one CDD must peacably coexist with other CDD


This arrangement of software and goals creates two layers, product and
infrastructure. Ultimately speaking all CDD infrastructure can be shared
by each CDD. Therefore the Alioth CDD project is the best place for a
CDD to submit tools and changes that benefit the process of customizing
Debian. Any CDD that participates in the addition or improvement of the
CDD tools project could be listed in a contributors page directly
associated with the cdd-tools package and project.

An individual CDD can setup hosting for their project on Alioth or
elsewhere as they see fit. As a CDD they are still required to abide by
the standard Debian Policy and Social contract. Furthermore I cannot
imagine that they would do so. There also appears to be a growing
interest in the CDD model both from inside and most notably outside the
Debian project. Progeny and UserLinux are great examples. It is not
sensible for these external groups to create sub-projects on Alioth
since they already have an investment in their existing infrastructure.
However it is possible for internal projects like debian-desktop or
debian-med to do so.

Finally, we solve the single point of reference by using a site name
like cdd.debian.org or www.debian.org/cdd/. This site could contain a
brief description of the CDD concept, the current goals, a link to
Andreas' paper, and an official list of CDD projects. This list can also
contain a link to the current website of a given CDD.

Who does the work? I wouldn't mind it, and I am sure there are already
numerous others who would help maintain the site. However I think they
would all need to debian maintainers, so list-lurkers like me are
probably not an option. (Hell I'm not even in the NM queue.)

By the way, Andreas, Ben, Free, and everyone else involved is making
great progress in this project. So much so that I find it very hard to
follow at times. But thanks for working so hard on it. I have learned
volumes from these dialogs and I really appreciate it.

Good luck to you all,
Matthew P. McGuire - gray@shadowglade.net 
When choice matters, choose Debian.

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