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Re: [OT] subscribe bpark79@hotmail.com

>>>>> "Adrian" == Adrian De Leon <adl@adl.org.mx> writes:

Adrian> Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> writes:
>> gnus also lets me send mail through an ssh connection (i.e. it ssh-es
>> into a server, and uses the local mail program there), so that I
>> don't have to worry about "what mail server am I authorized to
>> connect to from where I am right now?" or dealing with those icky
>> POP-before-send servers.

Adrian> Hello, I was wondering, how did you set up Gnus to do that?
Adrian> custom elisp?

This is what I have:

(setq message-send-mail-function 'feedmail-send-it
      send-mail-function 'feedmail-send-it
      feedmail-binmail-template "ssh <hostname> -e none /bin/mail %s")

Obviously, you'll have to replace <hostname> with the server name.
You'll probably have to set it up to authenticate via a passwordless
RSA or DSA key too, because I don't think it is able to prompt you for a

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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