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Re: led test

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>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Godshall <togo@of.net> writes:

Tony> With a vertical bar of 7 or 8 LEDs, present a scan of the matrix
Tony> of the characters in the message you wish to present.  Ideally
Tony> there should also be a row of lights or some other object that the
Tony> eyes would track past your column of LEDs.  What you'd get is a
Tony> message that would appear then someone scans their eyes across
Tony> your display and disappears when they look straight at it.  A
Tony> coworker told me LAMOMA has (had?) a sign like that you could see
Tony> from the freeway.

Or spin the box around really really fast?  (You'd have to do something
with the power cord though.  Maybe hook it up to a UPS that spins along
with the box.)

- -- 
Hubert Chan <hackerhue@geek.com> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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