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Re: Boulder Pledge

On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 12:14:39PM +0000, Dan Elphick wrote:
> It's easier to read text when it's wrapped at 78 characters in my
> opinion. Evolution will just wrap your text at the edge of the window
> which in my case is a lot bigger. It also looks really bad when someone
> replies and quotes your text as only one '>' is inserted.

...unless the replier goes in and manually calls fmt to re-wrap the
text sanely (or uses 'gq' in vim), then adds a '> ' to the start of
each line.  But that usually leads to said replier getting really
annoyed at neverending lines in fairly short order.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (http://stobblehouse.com/text/battle.html)

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