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Re: Call for Votes (Re: glibc's getaddrinfo() sort order)

On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 07:01:50PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> There is apparently no counterproposal, so I hereby propose and call
> for a vote on the following resolution:
> -8<-
>  1. RFC3484 s6 rule 9 should not be applied to IPv4 addresses
>     by Debian systems, and we overrule the maintainer.  If the
>     maintainer has not uploaded a suitable change within 1
>     week, Ian Jackson is mandated to make an NMU in sid.
>  2. RFC3484 s6 rule 9 should not be applied to IPv6 addresses
>     by Debian systems.  However, we do not overrule the maintainer
>     on this point and we do not authorise changing it via an NMU.
>  3. We recommend to the IETF that RFC3484 s6 rule 9 should be
>     abolished, definitely for IPv4, and probably for IPv6 too.
> -8<-

>  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>  [2] Choice X: Do not use rule 9, overrule maintainer, etc., as above.
>  [2] Choice S: Sort IPv4 addrs according to rule 9 in getaddrinfo
>  [1] Choice F: Further discussion
>  -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

I don't think the tech ctte should be authorising themselves to do NMUs
under any circumstances.

AFAICS we should be making a definitive statement wrt both Rule 9 and
IPv6 and to whether (and if so, how) we'll be reverting the behaviour
in stable.


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