Re: Chair rotation (Don Armstrong) writes:
> On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Ian Jackson wrote:
>> Andreas Barth writes ("Re: Chair rotation"):
>> > Well, I think having more often the chair being moved than never is
>> > still a good idea, but each month was perhaps a bit too often. How about
>> > trying to set down the rotation level to something like once per year?
>> Why don't we make a new post of chaser-in-chief or some such which
>> rotates according to a predefined timetable, and just means that
>> that person is in charge of making sure all the emails get answered,
>> etc. etc. ?
> Or just have the chair assign someone to each issue; assignment set by
> setting them as the bug owner so everyone else knows who is (supposed
> to be) responsible.
That is a really good idea, Don. Thanks!
If the rest of the committee agrees, then I propose we try this. I'm willing
to retain the position of chair and wrangle the assignments for a while if
that suits everyone? If not, we can elect a new chair from among us. Either
way, I like the idea of an assigned ctte member shepherding each open issue
and think we should try it.
> But whatever you all decide to do, it would be nice to at least get
> some idea of what the outstanding issues are and if theres anything
> that those not in the committe should do to supply you with the
> information needed.
There are 6 open bugs against pseudo-package tech-ctte in the BTS right now.
Is anyone partial to taking responsibility for any of these, or should I
semi-randomly assign one of us to each open bug to review the current situation
and proposal suitable action for us to take?
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