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The TC and Spam

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Jackson <ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk> writes:

    Ian> If the TC members are expected to read the messages and pay
    Ian> attention to them, rather than skimming them occasionally
    Ian> like the sewer that many of the other Debian lists have
    Ian> become, then we can expect not to have to deal with the spam.

So, that actually brings up an interesting question.  Currently, the
TC actually seems to have a fair number of members who aren't that
involved in many aspects of Debian besides being a TC member.  IN
particular, there are some TC members who don't seem to have time to
read Debian lists, etc on a regular basis.

That may be desirable; it means that the TC can have some historical
perspective and possibly more experience than those actively involved
in the project.

If the project does believe this is a desirable attribute then it
makes sense to give the TC more freedom in managing its list because
doing so may well make it easier for these sorts of members to work on
the TC.

If on the other hand, the project believes that TC members should be
relatively active in the project--an intersection of active
participants and those with good technical leadership experience--then
Ian's comment perhaps suggests that the project and current TC have
lost touch with each other.

I honestly don't know what's best for the project; I can see the
tradeoffs but don't know what will lead to the best long-term results.

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