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Re: Technical Committee: decision on #119517?

On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 12:00:03AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >>"Ian" == Ian Jackson <ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk> writes:
>  Ian> Manoj, have I represented you fairly and accurately ?  Is there
>  Ian> anything else you think you wanted to say ?
> 	Apart from my quality of distribution arguments, yes, that is
>  a fair assessment.  Actually, it was one of your arguments about
>  renaming programs/packages that started me down this path -- if a
>  user has a friend running some other distribution, and they both try
>  program foo -- it works on the other distribution, but not on Debian,
>  and both sets of packages are installed correctly, I think we shall
>  not compare favourably. 

You need to take this in context though. If they're running in X, then
it'll work fine, because xlibs will already have been installed. If
they're not running in X, one'll get a linker failure, the other will
get a "DISPLAY not set" failure.

>  I would hate to get the reputation that
>  programs on Debian do not necesarily work unless one systematically
>  installs all supposedly optional packages (run time link failures are
>  hard to explain as anything but broken programs to the
>  non-cognoscenti) 

"Hey why doesn't cardinfo work?"
"It's an X program and you don't have X installed."

Doesn't seem particularly hard? (Seems a lot easier than explaining it
to the cognoscenti tbh... :)


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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