Bug#154950: Gnome 2 transition
Christian Marillat writes ("Bug#154950: Gnome 2 transition"):
> Ian Jackson <ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk> writes:
> > What other [conflicting] files are involved ?
> Pixmaps files, .mo files, documentation files.
These can be put in different directories, surely ?
> > If the libraries are compatible, why not just keep linking against the
> > old library until the new one is truly stable ?
> Libraries aren't compatible. You can't recompile a GNOME 1 package
> against a GNOME 2 package. And GNOME 2 libraries are stable. 2.0.1 has
> been released 2 weeks ago.
So, taking the sawfish example, the _source_ has changed but the
resulting binary behaves similarly after the old version is compiled
against Gnome1 and the new one against Gnome2 ?
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