Re: Bug#154950: Gnome 2 transition
Le Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 12:50:14AM +0100, Ian Jackson écrivait:
> The Technical Committee is of the opinion that:
Sorry, but what you're saying is absolutely not in sync with the
discussion on debian-ctte.
> * Gnome1 and Gnome2 can sensibly coexist on installed systems, and
> they should not be gratuitously prevented from doing so;
This is wrong.
> * Gnome1 and Gnome2 should both be available in unstable for the
> release manager to choose from, provided maintenance effort is
> available for both;
This is the core of the debate.
> Let me know what you think. I'm going to be away until Sunday night;
> if there's no disagreement or amendments or anything by then I'll call
> for a vote.
I have never asked for a vote on something like that. We had previous
discussions that laid to 3 choices (look at my initial mail). I'm asking
you to choose between the 3 realistic choices, no more.
Raphaël Hertzog -+-
Formation Linux et logiciel libre :
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