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Re: suitability of Multi-Arch: allowed for cython?

On 2023-06-02 11:29 +0200, Timo Röhling wrote:

> What I find missing are concise answers to maintainer-centric
> questions such as "how do I determine that my package is safe for
> Multi-Arch: foreign" or "why do I need to (not) add :native or :any
> to this Build-Depend".

I agree this would be very useful. It's quite hard to write
documentation that is useful, concise, findable and not repeating
things elsewhere, and not very many people have the expertise, and
even fewer the time as well.

Just collecting some of the text from answers on this list onto a wiki
page, clearly linked fom the other multiarch pages, would be helpful.

It the sort of thing I might get enthused about doing one day, but I
forsee no time for such a thing in the next 3 months (which is far out
as my horizon goes).

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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