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Cross-building for ARM: experience report and some questions

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I just tried to cross-build a package for Debian armhf (well,
I have now a binary .deb, but I still don't know whether it
works, so...). I wanted to share my experiences and pose a
couple of questions perhaps more seasoned folks here might
want to answer.

The package is a small thing in C I wrote eons ago for a
customer, for a then (gasp!) 486. It was autoconf from the
beginning, some wise soul added Debian packaging later.

When I saw that dpkg-buildpackage has an --host-arch <foo>,
I thought "well, that's magic!" and decided to give it a

To anticipate the best, yes, it's magic, and I'd like to
thank all the folks making that possible.

My build host is an x86_64, FWIW.

Now the (for me) stumbling blocks and questions:

- - Need to set CC

Yes, the warning was clear enough, but I was a bit surprised
I had to set CC like so:

 CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -b --host-arch armhf

For some reason I expected the --host-arch to pick the right
default compiler.

- - Is there something like build-depends?

I'm spoiled by apt-get build-dep: here I had to "hunt-and-peck"
the *-dev:armhf packages after each build failure. Since I know
the baby fairly well, it wasn't difficult, but... is there a
better/more canonical way to do that?

Anyway, thanks for all the magic :-)

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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